Installing pytorch/torchvision on centos7

The installation command shown on didn’t quite work for me on centos7. Instead of using the anaconda installer provided on pytorch, I just used the yum-provided conda:

yum install conda

However when i went to run the command as specified I got the following error:

~$ conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch

NoBaseEnvironmentError: This conda installation has no default base environment. Use
'conda create' to create new environments and 'conda activate' to
activate environments.

It seems the problem is that pytorch is assuming you’ve set up a working conda environment – which i had not. You can work around this by simply naming the environment (I suppose you could also have made a base environemnt, but I decided to save that adventure for another day). The following did work for me:

conda create -n pytorch pytorch torchvision matplotlib cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch

Note I also added matplotlib as I was following pytorch examples that requires it. Also, I found I could run any pytorch example by directly referencing the conda environment, instead of activating it and then running the script, as follows:


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